Brazilian (W)
Hair removal of the full pubic area including the butt strip. Subject to $10 additional charge depending on hair that’s been shaved, trimmed, or grown out 8+ weeks.
Hair removal of the full pubic area including the butt strip. Subject to $10 additional charge depending on hair that’s been shaved, trimmed, or grown out 8+ weeks.
Hair removal of the armpits. Free with other services. $15 as a solo service.
Hair removal of the bikini line including the butt strip.
Hair removal of the booty cheeks.
Extracting ingrown hairs from any area.
Hair removal of full legs - thighs and lower.
Hair removal of the shins and calves including the knees.
Hair removal of the thighs above the knees.
Hair removal of the inner or back of the thighs, not full thighs.
Hair removal from the hands to the shoulders.
Hair removal of the hands to elbows.
Hair removal of the shoulders to above the elbows.
Hair removal from beneath the hair line to the tail bone.
Hair removal of the mid back to the tail bone.
Hair removal of the chest from beneath the collar bone to mid torso.
Hair removal of mid torso to the top of the pubic area.
Hair removal around the hairline of the neck.
Hair removal of the full face.
Hair removal of the side burns.
Hair removal of the upper lip.
Hair removal of chin.
Clean up of the line of the eyebrows.
Hair removal of nostrils.
Hair removal of the nipples/areola.